How Long You Should Steep Tea When Making Kombucha
Making kombucha isn’t a super complicated process, but there are a few details that you want to make sure you get right in order for your...

Why Your Kombucha Tastes Like Vinegar
A few days ago I was brewing kombucha like normal and for some reason the batch turned out a little different than most. It tasted harsh...

Can You Brew Kombucha in Plastic?
When you first start brewing kombucha, it can feel like a complicated drink to make. There are so many rules about what to do and not to...

Why Your Kombucha is Taking a Long Time to Ferment (And How to Fix It!)
Kombucha is usually super fun and easy to make. However sometimes my home brewed booch takes a lot longer than normal to ferment. Leaving...

How to Use Juice to Flavor Kombucha
There’s so many different ways to change the flavor of home brewed kombucha, but the easiest to get good carbonation and strong flavor in...

The 5 Ingredients You Need to Brew Kombucha
Although home brewing kombucha is a simple process, the first few times you do it can feel overwhelming and complicated. Especially when...

How to Make and Maintain a SCOBY Hotel
As you and I continue to brew kombucha, the living bacteria culture that ferments it, known as the SCOBY, grows and replicates itself...

How to Store a Kombucha SCOBY
Brewing kombucha is one of my favorite things to do, but every once in a while I need to take a break. The problem is that the SCOBY...

The Perfect Kombucha Brewing Temperature
As a kombucha home brewer I want to make sure to treat my kombucha and its living bacteria culture right, so that my booch turns out as...

The Top 3 Best Kombucha Heating Pads
Not being able to keep brewing kombucha at a warm enough temperature can lead to a a slow, bad fermentation, off taste, and even mold...

The Best Sugar for Brewing Kombucha - A Quick Guide
As kombucha home brewers, the type of ingredients we use are super important for the quality of our kombucha. I’ve written plenty of...

The Best Tea for Brewing Kombucha - Black, Green, White, or Oolong?
Tea is one of the most important ingredients used to make kombucha. But with so many different brands, colors, and types out there, how...

The 5 Things you Need to Start Brewing Kombucha
Although there are a lot of kombucha recipes on the internet, there's very few recipes or articles out there that tell you exactly what...

The Best (and Cheapest!) Kombucha Brewing Bottles
Good quality kombucha brewing bottles are one of the most important investments you can make when it comes to home-brewing kombucha....

What is a SCOBY? The Ultimate Guide to Kombucha SCOBYs
One of the hardest things to figure out when I started brewing kombucha was the SCOBY. It's such a weird and unique creature. Plus...

What SCOBY Mold Looks Like and How to Prevent it
Since kombucha and kombucha SCOBYs can look weird due to yeast and bacteria growth, it can be hard for beginning brewers to identify...

The Best Kombucha Jars for Home-Brewing
Choosing what jar to use to brew your kombucha sounds like a simple task. But with so many different materials, sizes, and shapes, there...

The Perfect Kombucha Ratios for Any Size Brew
After you’ve home brewed kombucha for the first time, it's a pretty easy process to repeat. However, the problem I had almost every time...

Why Kombucha is Carbonated - Plus The Best Tips for Extra Carbonation
Kombucha is one of the many carbonated drinks in stores today, but the carbonation in kombucha is different than the carbonation in a...

Synergy Kombucha - What it is and Where you Can Buy it!
With so many different types of kombucha out there, it can be difficult to know which ones to buy. GTt’s Synergy kombucha is one line of...